how to tell if you have a cavity

Drill, Baby, Drill: How to Tell if You Have a Cavity and Need Fillings

Did you know more than 90 % of U.S. adults have had a cavity?

Wondering if you have one but aren’t sure how to tell if you have a cavity? Not to worry! In this article, we’re going to cover symptoms that show up. From bad breath to sensitive teeth, these are a few signs of a cavity.

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out!

What’s a Cavity?

A cavity is a small hole in the outer layer of your tooth called enamel. This is a result of tooth decay over time.

When food gets stuck in teeth, plaque grows. Eating sugary foods cause plaque growing bacteria to turn the sugar into acid. This acid breaks down the enamel.

How to Tell if You Have a Cavity

Regular dental visits and good oral health practices help prevent cavities. Yet, they still occur. Some people may not notice they have one right away. It’s after they’ve seen their dentist that they know they need a filling.

Let’s look at ways to detect a cavity.

Bad Breath

Bacteria cause cavities, and this in turn, creates bad breath. If you have bad breath, a tooth may need treatment, due to built up decay. Bacteria feed on food particles. Flossing and brushing keep the bacteria away.

If the bad breath is persistent, even if you’re taking care of your teeth, you might have a cavity.

Cracked Teeth

Cracked teeth occur from accidents or chomping down on hard food. Cavities also weaken tooth enamel, making your tooth more vulnerable.

If you crack a tooth, call your dentist right away. Also, try and avoid chewing on the side of your mouth where the tooth is until the appointment.

Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

When you eat cold, hot, or sugary foods, and feel mild pain in an area of your teeth, you could have an issue. Use a soft toothbrush and special toothpaste created for sensitivity. If this doesn’t help, you might have a cavity.


When biting into food, if you suffer from pain in that area, you could have damaged teeth.

If you experience toothaches often, you might have a cavity that is near the nerve of your tooth. This causes tremendous pain so seek treatment right away.

How Do I Prevent a Cavity?

Try and brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. After you eat or drink something, brush your teeth. This will ensure that food doesn’t get stuck in your teeth.

Try to avoid sticky and sugary foods if possible. These stick to your teeth and attract bacteria. Drinking water helps to wash out food residue!

Contact Us Today

We hope you found this article helpful on how to tell if you have a cavity or not. Make sure you promote good oral health by flossing and brushing your teeth often. If a problem arises, make an appointment with your dentist.

Want to learn more? Contact us today! We would love to chat with you.

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