teen braces

Is Invisalign a Good Option for Teen Braces? Yes, and Here’s Why!

The perfect time to get braces would be at ages 10 to 14.

However, during this age bracket, self-esteem and confidence are everything to teenagers. When they look at braces, they see an awkward contraption that makes them look ugly and off.

There is an alternative to metal braces that teens and younger people could use: Invisalign.

Not sure what Invisalign is or how it works? Here are some reasons why Invisalign is the perfect alternative for teen braces.

1. Less Noticeable

A great benefit that you can enjoy with Invisalign for teens is that it’s less noticeable compared to regular braces. When using one, it appears like you’re not wearing any braces or retainers at all.

This helps as it feels non-intrusive while wearing it. The custom fitting also ensures that you still get the needed alignment treatment without any bulky gear.

2. No Wires

Invisalign uses polyurethane plastic in its construction. This gives the unit a durable yet transparent design. The custom fitting also ensures that the alignments go well while wearing Invisalign.

This way, you won’t have to worry about wires that can become emergency concerns, leading to discomfort or injury. This is good news for athletes and marching band members.

3. Helps Build Confidence

Since Invisalign is transparent, it feels like you’re wearing nothing at all. This helps in getting rid of the stigma that comes with wearing braces. At the same time, the wearer gets to enjoy better-aligned teeth.

This allows a young teenager to build confidence in the way they look. It also helps adults feel and look better too. In fact, Invisalign is now the top beauty treatment for brides!

Here is another factor that you may enjoy with Invisalign. It gives you that shiny and sparkly smile because of it. This makes a great choice when you want to develop the perfect smile through these retainers.

No need to worry about giving the awkward “I got braces” look.

4. Fewer Dentist Appointments

You need fewer appointments with the dentist when using Invisalign. You won’t need adjustments on a regular basis.

Instead, you’ll only need a check-up to monitor the progress of the alignment. The next set of dental measurements are for a new batch of Invisalign retainers. You’ll wear these on another set of days.

This processes lessens a few steps but still ensures the same effectiveness.

5. No Food Restrictions

A good thing about using Invisalign for teens is that there are no food restrictions. Traditional braces stay locked on, and they prevent you from eating certain kinds of food. That’s not the case here since you can the Invisalign retainers before you partake on a big meal.

What you need right after is a thorough brushing and flossing. You have to make sure your teeth are clean before putting the retainers back on.

This way, you can make sure that there is no food debris in the tray and preventing bacteria from spreading.

Goodbye Teen Braces! Get Invisalign for a Confident Smile Today!

If you are looking for an alternative to the use of conventional teen braces, Invisalign is the perfect choice for this.

You get the same kind of results without the embarrassing feeling of having to wear braces at all. The transparent material and the custom fitting make sure that you give the perfect smile.

To know more about how to avail of this treatment, contact us. We can help you with Invisalign and other dental treatments and concerns.


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